Zen doodle ideas
Zen doodle ideas

Rick and Maria have taken doodling – something that many people have always just done naturally, and expanded on it to encourage people to push it further, and do it more, with intention. I can so appreciate the explosive appeal of Zentangle as a way for people to enjoy making art where maybe they haven’t previously, or they want a bit more guidance. Zentangle has you following a specific method to create your artwork, and doodling is basically a free-for-all with no rules, specific materials, or steps.

zen doodle ideas

While doodling is looser and can be described as any scribbles or drawings you make to fill a space, Zentangle is much more structured and Zentangle patterns are more specialized.

zen doodle ideas zen doodle ideas

What differentiates Zentangle from regular doodling is the style of the little drawings used in each piece you make. A word about Zentangle® ““ It is a technique invented by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas please click here to see the official Zentangle site to read and learn more about it.

Zen doodle ideas